
EU office: Georgia to lose €121 million in EU aid as country's democracy backslides - remaining funds from 2022 and 2023 meant for government will be lost

Georgia will lose EU aid in the amount of 121 million euros as a result of the decline of democracy in the country, the European Union Representation in Georgia reports on the basis of the Directorate General of the European Commission for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR). According to the information, the remaining funds from 2022 and 2023, which were intended directly for the government, will be lost. "The annually allocated funds are not fully spent in the same year, therefore the remaining funds from 2022 and 2023, which were intended directly for the government, will be lost. According to the information, 121.3 million euros were suspended/allocated from the European Union in 2022-2024 in response to the backsliding in democratic standards, especially after the adoption of the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence directed against Georgian civil society and the media. From the funds allocated in 2022, 12 million euros have been suspended/redistributed, 72 million euros from 2023, and 37.3 million euros from 2024," the information states.  

German Ambassador: You are at risk of throwing away the opportunity to join the EU and the privileged partnership of the last 30 years

We love the European Union, it is truly a party of global peace, - said the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Peter Fischer, during his speech at the event dedicated to the Unification Day in Germany on October 3. During his speech, the diplomat emphasized the importance of cooperation between Georgia and Germany. According to Peter Fischer, Germany does not want to interfere in the parliamentary elections of Georgia.  „The Day of German Unity is a day of joy. It marks the success of a peaceful revolution and German unity in the Federal Republic of Germany - a liberal democracy, a state created with the dignity and freedom of every individual and the idea of European unity as top constitutional principles, in short: a pretty good place. The EU was foundational to bringing about our unity in peace. Today we live in friendship with all our neighbors, which is pretty incredible, considering our history. We love the EU. It is the basis of our peace, freedom and prosperity. It is truly the Global Peace Party. Today we are celebrating in Georgia, with our Georgian friends. So let me say a few words about Georgian-German friendship. For over 30 years we have built a partnership. This partnership is broad and deep and it was always based on your, the Georgians, wish to be a democracy, have a market economy and what you called Euro-Atlantic integration. Last year, I stood here with the Prime Minister of Georgia. He praised the value and quality of our partnership - with Germany and the EU. I agreed, but I also warned about the risk of Georgia missing her historical „rendez-vouz“ with Europe. A few weeks later Georgia was awarded candidate status for the European Union and on 14 December 2023 I stood with all my EU ambassador colleagues and the whole Georgian government on stage in front of a huge crowd on Freedom Square - and we were all very happy. Oh, how times have changed. Georgia’s EU accession process has come to a standstill, because of the course of the Georgian government. With this course Georgia will not be able to join the EU. This year, you'll notice: We have not invited any members of the Georgian government, no Members of the Georgian Parliament and no leaders of Georgian political parties. Why? Because we want to make clear that the election on 26 October is the election of and for the Georgians. We don't have any part in it. Speaking to the Georgians: You have to make up your minds what you want. How you want to be governed and which group of countries you want to belong to. It's all on you. Not on us. The door to the EU is open. We are a special union of liberal democracies. What does that mean? In liberal democracies our constitutions are built on the idea that no-one person or group has exclusive possession of what is true and what is good, what exactly the right way forward is. That is why we need freedom to choose, to advance with trial and error, to have what we call an open society. Of course, this happens based on experience of history, tradition and values including faith. We are convinced that this best way for creativity, innovation, productivity, prosperity, in short: happiness of the citizens. But how to join the EU? You have to take over all EU legislation. When you do, when the EU-laws are the law of the land here, you are a member. If you don't, you are not a member. It’s very easy to understand. And please believe me: It is us, the EU member states, that decide who joins and when. The candidates don’t make this decision. As a friend, and I believe there are many in this hall who can testify that I have always acted as a friend, I have to tell you: You are at risk of throwing away the opportunity to join the EU and the privileged partnership of the last 30 years. You decide. Let me add a personal view: Don't imagine, that if you turn away from us, we will come running after you, begging you to come back. In my analysis, the political trends are going in another direction. More and more people are becoming short sighted, egotistical. Their thinking is: „Us first“, or basically: „Only us“. They don’t care about international co-operation. They don’t care about EU enlargement. In other words: In the EU we have enough problems, we don't need another one. Sorry to be a bit dark. Actually, I am an optimistic guy. And now I am going to lighten up. Today we want to celebrate. In German we refer to The Day of German Unity as a „Feiertag“. That translates into „celebration day“. Let’s celebrate what is good about Germany. One of the best things about it is that we have friends. Including many friends in Georgia. Before I raise my glass for a toast, I would like to thank our sponsors. You can see their names on the display. They are doing incredible things in Georgia. Investing and re-investing, bringing technology, creating jobs, training their people, holding on to their people doing Covid, just being great German companies. Thanks also to the „Georgian German Jazz Alumni“ who will be coming back a bit later, so please keep your dancing shoes ready for that. Now I would like to raise my glass to Germany, to Georgia, to our friendship and hopefully a happy future together.“  

Ukraine „condemns using in political advertising the images of terrible consequences of Russia's ruthless war against Ukraine“

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemns and considers it inadmissible to use images of the consequences of Russia's merciless war against Ukraine in political advertising. This was stated in the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Ukraine’s diplomats have called on the government of Georgia, the ruling party Georgian Dream, and all interested parties to refrain from exploiting the topic of the war of aggression unleashed against Ukraine and its citizens in the domestic political struggle in Georgia. MFA added that Ukraine will consistently, steadfastly, and resolutely continue supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders, and expressed hope that the parliamentary elections will be held in a peaceful and democratic manner, and that the Georgian people will pursue the strategic course toward joining the EU and NATO. „The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemns and considers unacceptable using in political advertising the images of terrible consequences of Russia's ruthless war against Ukraine, suffering and blood of thousands of innocent people, destruction of churches and the cultural heritage. The Georgian people may not be afraid of a new war as long as Ukraine resists Russian aggression. The terrible price of this resistance is also the price of peace in Georgia. We call on Georgian Government, the ruling party “Georgian dream” and all interested parties to refrain from using the topic of the aggressive war against Ukraine and its citizens in the internal political struggle in Georgia. Ukraine consistently, steadfastly and resolutely will continue to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders. We hope that the parliamentary elections in Georgia will be held in a peaceful and democratic manner, and the Georgian people will continue the strategic course of joining the EU and NATO,“ the ministry said. As reported, new election campaign banners of the ruling Georgian Dream party were spotted in Tbilisi, which the country's President, Salome Zurabishvili, called "shameful and offensive to culture, traditions, history, and faith." This morning new election banners of the "Georgian Dream" party appeared on the streets, with the inscription "No to war! Choose peace!". Banners are divided into two parts. On one side of the banner, the cities, buildings, and infrastructural structures destroyed by Russia in Ukraine are depicted, and on the other side, the cities of Georgia. The bombed cities of Ukraine are represented by a black-and-white photo, and Georgia - by a color one.

Armenia to have military attaché in US

According to a decision by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Hrayr Geghamyan will serve as the Military Attaché of Armenia in the United States. Geghamyan will serve in this capacity as of September 23, for a period of three years, and his respective residence will be in Washington D.C., adds the aforesaid decision.  

Efforts are underway to position DIBS as a leading centre for capacity-building across the broader Black Sea region - NATO

Georgia and NATO marked the 10th anniversary of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package (SNGP) at the NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Centre (JTEC) near Tbilisi, on 17 September 2024, at a ceremony attended by senior officials from NATO and Georgia.  Since its launch at the NATO Wales Summit in 2014, the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package has played a pivotal role in helping to build Georgia’s defence capacity, strengthen its resilience, and promote Georgian forces’ ability to operate effectively alongside Allied troops. Georgia’s Minister of Defence, Mr. Irakli Chikovani, underscored that the SNGP is a cornerstone of NATO-Georgia cooperation and brings Georgia closer to NATO. He highlighted tangible progress achieved in enhancing Georgia’s security and defence capabilities, and expressed appreciation for the support and contributions from NATO Allies and partners. NATO’s Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Ms. Burcu San, reaffirmed that the SNGP is a flagship of NATO-Georgia cooperation, highlighting its evolution and achievements. She also referred to NATO’s Strategic Concept of 2022, which upholds the decisions made at the 2008 Bucharest Summit regarding Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and eventual membership in the Alliance. In this context, she emphasised the importance of Georgia’s adherence to NATO’s core values. Ms. San further reaffirmed NATO’s support to Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, within internationally recognised borders. She also noted that the South Caucasus and the Black Sea region are significantly impacted by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and by Moscow’s other malign and destabilising activities. Major General Norbert Wagner, Commander of NATO’s Joint Force Training Centre, highlighted the strategic importance of the SNGP for strengthening Georgia’s defence and security capabilities and supporting its path towards NATO membership. Three major accomplishments of the SNGP were highlighted. First, the successful completion of the Acquisition initiative in December 2023. Launched in 2015, this initiative culminated with the Georgian Parliament’s adoption of new procurement laws, set to take effect on 1 January 2025. The initiative has delivered a modern, efficient, and accountable defence and security procurement system, fully aligned with international standards. Second, the Defence Institution Building School (DIBS) has been established and continues to develop. Following its NATO accreditation, DIBS is currently delivering NATO-standard training programmes designed to strengthen Georgia’s defence and security institutions. Efforts are underway to position DIBS as a leading centre for capacity-building across the broader Black Sea region. Finally, the NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Centre focuses on enhancing interoperability, strengthening defence capabilities, and fostering national, regional, and international cooperation, and is further developing into a regional hub for military training and evaluation of best practices. During the ceremony, Mr. Aemal Bahadur was introduced as the new NATO SNGP Core Team Leader, succeeding Colonel Norbert Hess from Germany, who was honoured with the Georgian Ministry of Defence’s Noble Partner Medal for his contributions. During her visit, the Deputy Assistant Secretary General also held bilateral meetings with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Teimuraz Janjalia, Deputy Minister of Defence Mr. Paata Patiashvili, and Allied Ambassadors accredited in Tbilisi.  

U.S. Sanctions MRB Bank in Occupied Tskhinvali Region for Involvement in Russia-North Korea Illicit Payments Scheme

On September 19, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned MRB Bank, located in the occupied Tskhinvali region, for its involvement in the network of four other entities and one individual that facilitated and supported ongoing efforts to establish illicit payment mechanisms between Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The network helped Russia and North Korea evade sanctions, facilitating the financing of North Korea’s illicit weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs and supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. In a scheme orchestrated by the Central Bank of Russia, MRB Bank acted as an intermediary for a sanctioned Russian bank, TSMRBank, to establish a secret banking relationship with North Korea’s state-run Foreign Trade Bank (FTB). TSMRBank Vice President Dmitry Nikulin facilitated cash deposits from FTB through TSMRBank to MRB. Nikulin also organized the opening of correspondent accounts for FTB and Korea Kwangson Banking Corp. (KKBC) at MRB and coordinated with North Korean representatives to ensure the delivery of millions of dollars and rubles in banknotes to FTB and KKBC accounts at MRB. Some of the North Korean accounts at MRB were used to pay for fuel exports from Russia to North Korea. The U.S. Department of Treasury notes that “with mounting battlefield losses and increasing international isolation, Russia has become more dependent on North Korea for weapons procurement and economic cooperation.”  

Ombudsman Shares Negative Evaluation by ODIHR on ‘Foreign Agents’ Laws

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has produced a legal report concerning the “Foreign Agents” draft laws introduced in the Georgian Parliament in February 2023. The report was prepared in response to requests submitted by the Public Defender on February 24 and March 6. The assessment of these initiatives by ODIHR was negative, according to a statement from the Ombudsman issued on August 9. The Ombudsman’s statement notes that following large social protests, the deliberation of the aforementioned draft laws within the Georgian Parliament was halted. Specifically, one of the draft laws was withdrawn, while the other was discarded during the second reading. Despite these developments, and due to the significance of the matter at hand, OSCE/ODIHR continued to analyze the issue and presented an extensive overview of human rights standards along with associated recommendations. The document primarily concentrates on the adverse impacts of the draft laws on fundamental human rights. These rights include freedom of association, freedom of expression, the right to privacy, participation in public affairs, and protection from discrimination. “The Note also reviews the US and Australian legislations. It is emphasized that they are fundamentally different cases, have an entirely different goal and scale, which is why they do not represent relevant comparative examples in the Georgian context,” – reads the statement by the Public Defender of Georgia. OSCE/ODIHR’s Legal Note on “Foreign Agents” Draft-Laws The “Note on Legislative Initiatives on Transparency and Regulation of Associations Funded from Abroad or so-called ‘Foreign Agents Laws’ and Similar Legislation and their Compliance with International Human Rights Standards” opens by highlighting that the fundamental right to freedom of association is integral to a vibrant and participatory democracy and is intertwined with various human rights. Essential to this right is access to diverse funding sources, including international and foreign funding. Nevertheless, it points out that certain nations regard foreign funding with suspicion. The Notes notes that “overall, the aim of so-called “foreign agents laws” or similar legislation is generally to seek to increase the scrutiny of such funding and of the activities of the recipient associations by introducing new obligations for such associations such as separate and generally burdensome registration, labelling, reporting, accounting and publication/disclosure requirements”, etc. The Note stresses that these regulations often fall short of meeting the rigorous criteria established by international human rights law. These criteria dictate that constraints on freedom of association must be lawful, pursue legitimate objectives, demonstrate proportionality and necessity within a democratic society, and refrain from discrimination. Additionally, the Note draws upon comparative viewpoints, regional legal precedents, and authoritative recommendations to offer supplementary insight on this issue. The assessment finds that the rationale for implementing legislative initiatives related to “foreign agents” laws often lacks evidence of a tangible, current, or serious threat to national interests or democracy. Adequate risk-based evaluations of the civil society sector, confirming NGO involvement in criminal activities, are frequently absent. Moreover, national justifications for such legislative initiatives typically fall short of being “relevant and sufficient.” They fail to demonstrate insufficiencies in existing legal frameworks and the appropriateness of proposed measures. “An abstract assumption that all funds originating from abroad constitute a potential threat to national interests is incompatible with international human rights standards,” – reads the Note. It is also noted that lack of proper reasoning for differential treatment based on funding’s foreign origin suggests potential discrimination. Regulations on associations are often stricter than those on business entities, without clear explanations. In addition, the report highlights that “the legal drafters usually fail to show that they have assessed the potential negative impact of a legislation on associations or considered other legal alternatives and selected the least intrusive measures with regard to the protection of fundamental rights,” adding that aiming for “transparency” or “publicity” of association funding isn’t inherently a legitimate aim, though it could be under specific circumstances related to public order or preventing crimes. The Note emphasizes that objectives like countering money laundering or terrorism financing don’t automatically justify new reporting obligations for all associations. References to foreign laws like the United States Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and Australian Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act (FITS) aren’t suitable comparisons for justifying initiatives targeting foreign-funded associations. The report also notes that “foreign agents” laws introduce control measures, such as unscheduled inspections without clear legal grounds or court authorization. In certain cases, these laws even impose fines, imprisonment, or association dissolution as consequences for violations that are seen as disproportionate. These laws frequently violate principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination, indirectly affecting associations that advocate minority viewpoints. In practical terms, “foreign agents” laws run the risk of discrediting valid organizations, fostering mistrust, fear, and hostility, thus complicating their operational activities.

Strasbourg Court holds that Russia is to pay more than 129 million euros in compensation to Georgia relating to August 2008 war

The European Court of Human Rights ordered Russia to pay more than 129 million euros in compensation to Georgia for violations of the European Convention on Human Rights and damages caused to citizens as a result of the August 2008 war. In today’s Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Georgia v. Russia (II), the European Court of Human Rights examined the question of just satisfaction (Article 41). The case concerned allegations by the Georgian Government of administrative practices on the part of the Russian Federation entailing various breaches of the Convention, in connection with the armed conflict between Georgia and the Russian Federation in August 2008. „In today’s Grand Chamber judgment concerning the question of just satisfaction, the Court held, unanimously: - that it had jurisdiction under Article 58 of the Convention to deal with the applicant Government’s claims for just satisfaction under Article 41 of the Convention notwithstanding the cessation of the Russian Federation’s membership of the Council of Europe, and that the respondent Government’s failure to cooperate did not present an obstacle to their examination; - that Article 41 of the Convention was applicable to the present case in respect of the victims of the administrative practice of killing of civilians in Georgian villages in South Ossetia and in the “buffer zone”, the victims of the administrative practice of torching and looting of houses in the “buffer zone”, the victims of the administrative practice of inhuman and degrading treatment and arbitrary detention of Georgian civilians held by the South Ossetian forces in the basement of the “Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia” in Tskhinvali between approximately 10 and 27 August 2008, the victims of the administrative practice of torture of Georgian prisoners of war detained by the South Ossetian forces in Tskhinvali between 8 and 17 August 2008, the victims of the administrative practice of preventing the return of Georgian nationals to their respective homes in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and the victims of the respondent Government’s failure to comply with their procedural obligation to carry out an adequate and effective investigation into the deaths which had occurred during the active phase of the hostilities or after the cessation of hostilities; - that the respondent State was to pay the applicant Government, within three months, EUR 3,250,000 (three million two hundred and fifty thousand euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage suffered by a group of at least 50 victims of the administrative practice of killing of civilians in Georgian villages in South Ossetia and in the “buffer zone” and of the respondent Government’s failure to comply with their procedural obligation to carry out an adequate and effective investigation into those killings; - that the respondent State was to pay the applicant Government, within three months, EUR 2,697,500 (two million six hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage suffered by a group of at least 166 victims of the administrative practice of inhuman and degrading treatment and arbitrary detention of Georgian civilians held by the South Ossetian forces in the basement of the “Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia” in Tskhinvali between approximately 10 and 27 August 2008; - that the respondent State was to pay the applicant Government, within three months, EUR 640,000 (six hundred and forty thousand euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage suffered by a group of at least 16 victims of the administrative practice of torture of Georgian prisoners of war detained by the South Ossetian forces in Tskhinvali between 8 and 17 August 2008; - that the respondent State was to pay the applicant Government, within three months, EUR 115,000,000 (one hundred and fifteen million euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage suffered by a group of at least 23,000 victims of the administrative practice of preventing the return of Georgian nationals to their respective homes in South Ossetia and Abkhazia; and - that the respondent State was to pay the applicant Government, within three months, EUR 8,240,000 (eight million two hundred and forty thousand euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage suffered by a group of at least 412 victims of the respondent Government’s failure to comply with their procedural obligation to carry out an adequate and effective investigation into the deaths which had occurred during the active phase of the hostilities”, reads the Court’s press release. The Court also notes that the principal judgment in the present case was delivered on 21 January 2021 and since the question of the application of Article 41 of the Convention was not ready for decision, the Court reserved it and invited the applicant Government and the respondent Government to submit their observations on the matter.

Nino Kadagidze: The time has come when the Government has to intervene in a number of issues

The time has come when the Government has to intervene in a number of issues. In any case, I believe that a normative framework based on certain correct views can be developed, which we also discussed with the Prime Minister, this will in fact rule out any form of interference in the court and will minimize the influence of politics in the court, Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Council of Justice Nino Kadagidze stated after meeting with PM Irakli Gharibashvili. According to her, everyone can make mistakes, however, she remains hopeful that the question of sanctioning judges by the relevant office or agencies will be reviewed. "It is very sad that there is an attempt to shift high political tensions in the court. Otherwise, I cannot explain the unprecedented decision made by the US Secretary of State to designate three life-tenure judges and one former judge. The judiciary has faced many challenges over the years, but I want to say loudly that there is a real, genuine and tangible achievement, which is a corruption-free judiciary. Therefore, I cannot accept any statement about the existence of corruption in the court. Despite my personal request, I was not provided with substantiated evidence, but given the assumptions and hints as to what became the basis for accusing my colleagues of corruption, I fully support them. I, as the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the Chairperson of the Supreme Council of Justice, will be the guarantor of inviolability and freedom of each of us and our judges. Despite the 12 recommendations for the state, one of which is the judicial system, even beyond that, Georgian justice is ahead of more than one of our neighboring and friendly countries in all aspects, in all parameters. Therefore, it is tough for me that this information will not be used in the difficult and very valuable, important path for our country towards European integration. I always maintained a special attitude towards our partners and friends, I was always deliberate in my relations with them. I think that the moment has come today when I demand reciprocity from them, everyone can make a mistake, but I believe that admitting a mistake is only a trait of the strong, and therefore I have a very high hope that the relevant office or agencies will solve this issue and it will definitely be reviewed. Additionally, we considered it necessary that the time has come when the Government has to intervene in a number of issues. In any case, I believe that a normative framework based on certain correct views can be developed, which we also discussed with the Prime Minister, this will in fact rule out any form of interference in the court and will minimize the influence of politics in the court," said Nino Kadagidze.  

Ambassador Hubert Knirsch: The verdict of the European Court confirms that Russia is responsible before the law for human rights abuses in the torn-away regions that occurred after the 2008 war

In an interview with Europetime, Germany's ambassador to Georgia- Hubert Knirsch commented on the European Court of Human Rights verdict. "The verdict of the European Court of Human Rights confirms that Russia is responsible before the law for human rights abuses in the torn-away regions that occurred after the 2008 war. Our political ambition must be not only to effectively include these regions in the international mechanisms for the protection of human rights but also to transform and ultimately to solve the conflicts that have cast their shadows over them for such a long time already. All participants should make full use of the Geneva International Discussions to move forward on this road",- Hubert Knirsch said.


EBRD invests in water network infrastructure in Tbilisi

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is investing US $40 million to fund water network infrastructure in Tbilisi. The EBRD participated in the green Eurobond issue by Georgia Global Utilities (GGU), with an investment of US $40 million of the total US $300 million offering. GGU will invest the proceeds to improve the water-network infrastructure in the Georgian capital Tbilisi. The project is the first green bond under EBRD Green Cities, a programme that has already supported eight projects in Tbilisi through the flagship Green City Action Plan. The project will target investments in the water sector and address key environmental challenges, such as water losses. The EBRD is a leading institutional investor in Georgia. To date, the Bank has invested more than €5 billion in 299 projects in the financial, corporate, infrastructure and energy sectors, with 82 per cent of those investments in the private sector.  


The United States is already implementing the Black Sea Strategy, the state department says

Europetime receives confirmation from the US State Department that the Biden administration has already begun implementing a comprehensive strategy for the Black Sea region. According to Europetime, the strategy is centered on the goal of the US administration and calls for more political and diplomatic engagement as well as other significant actions. “The United States is already implementing this strategy, and we will continue to coordinate closely with allies, partners, and civil society to advance this strategy in pursuit of shared objectives.  The timeline for implementation will depend on the goal or activity.  Some of our objectives, such as increased political engagement and messaging are ongoing; likewise, support for defense modernization of our Allies and partners has already begun. Our strategy provides a whole-of-government vision and framework through which we can continue current efforts, develop future initiatives and make funding requests to support implementation.   What is the Black Sea Strategy? In the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act, the NSC was required by the U.S. Congress to develop and implement a strategy to support a Black Sea region that is secure, prosperous, interconnected, and free from malign influence, economic coercion, and threats to territorial integrity. The NSC delegated the drafting of the report to the State Department in coordination with interagency.  The Black Sea Strategy encourages agencies across the United States government to work with allies and partners bilaterally and multilaterally to increase political and diplomatic engagement, ensure regional security, boost economic cooperation, provide clean and secure energy, strengthen rule of law, promote respect for human rights, combat corruption, and counter disinformation.   Through this Strategy, the United States is strengthening our partnerships to promote peace and prosperity for all.   The Strategy also outlines our approach to addressing the immediate and long-term repercussions brought upon the region by Russia’s brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine,“ a State Department spokesperson told Europetime.  

The US is exploring potential investment opportunities in infrastructure to advance strategic projects in the Trans-Caspian Corridor

The US is exploring potential investment opportunities in infrastructure to advance strategic projects in the Trans-Caspian Corridor. In response to a question from Europetime, the State Department states that in order to actually advance important projects in the Trans-Caspian Corridor, the „US is currently evaluating potential areas for infrastructure investment.“ „Generally speaking, we welcome and encourage multilateral efforts in support of regional connectivity in Central Asia and South Caucasus westward to Europe.  Such efforts contribute to the creation of a more secure, resilient, and prosperous region. In close coordination with our European counterparts, the United States continues to support initiatives that enhance connectivity and diversify the economies of our Central Asian partners, including   the EU Global Gateway Investors Forum, the Commercial Law Development Program’s Trans-Caspian Trade Route Coordination Platform, and USAID’s Trade Central Asia.  Through the C5+1 diplomatic platform, we continue to promote regional cooperation and dialogue that helps the region address shared security and economic challenges while reaffirming the autonomy and sovereignty of our Central Asian partners.  During the inaugural C5+1 Presidential Summit in September 2023, President Biden affirmed continued U.S. support through PGI to scale infrastructure investment and accelerate the economic development, energy security, and connectivity of the Trans-Caspian Corridor.  Through PGI, the United States is currently evaluating potential areas for infrastructure investment where the U.S. Government could contribute project advisory technical assistance, project preparation, and/or financing to tangibly move forward strategic projects in the Trans-Caspian Corridor,“ a State Department spokesperson told Europetime.  Bulgarian Ambassador: After an agreement on the resumption of ferry traffic is signed, more concrete and cooperative action is needed  

Georgia will become a NATO member, when allies assess that it is prepared to fulfill the obligations that come with membership, John Bass says

Ambassador John Bass, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, answered the question by Europetime. Q - „At the NATO summit held in Bucharest in 2008, allies decided that Georgia would join NATO. The decision was reaffirmed at the subsequent summits.  During your tenure as U.S. ambassador to Georgia, we have repeatedly heard your comments regarding the integration of Georgia into NATO.  How do your earlier assumptions and expectations align with the present dynamics and process of the country’s integration into the Alliance?”    A - „I would first say that for many of us who spent time in Georgia or working with Georgians, particularly in the aftermath of the conflict in 2008 in which, yet again, Russia was attempting to determine how a neighboring country should live, dictate whether or not that country should be free to choose its own security relationships with, in this case, NATO – having been there in that period, it’s been very disturbing to see the evolution in recent years and particularly in recent months of the Georgian Dream government.    And if someone were to ask straight up, as I think is implicit in the question, when will Georgia become a member of NATO, the answer is that Georgia will become a member, I think, when allies assess that it is prepared to fulfill the obligations that come with membership, including upholding principles – core principles of democratic governance, including the fundamental principle that people are free to choose their own leaders.  And unfortunately, since I was ambassador in Georgia, we have not seen Georgia progress to meeting those objectives. And unfortunately, we’ve seen quite a bit of work, quite a bit of retrograde, if you will.  And as the U.S. ambassador who worked quite hard to ensure that there were the conditions in place to allow Georgian Dream to compete fairly in the parliamentary elections of 2012, it is deeply disturbing to see that same group now eroding the foundations of democratic governance and society.    And as a final observation, I would say it is both deeply disturbing and saddening to see the aspirations and dreams of an entire society being held hostage to the grievances of one individual: Bidzina Ivanishvili.“ John Bass was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on December 17, 2021, as the Under Secretary for Management. The Secretary of State designated John Bass as Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs on March 23, 2024. A career Senior Foreign Service officer, he served as Senior Advisor at the Foreign Service Institute from 2020-2021, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan 2017-2020, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey from 2014 to 2017, Executive Secretary of the State Department from 2012 to 2014, and U.S. Ambassador to Georgia from 2009 to 2012. He began his diplomatic career in 1988 and has also served in positions in U.S. missions in Iraq, Italy, Belgium, and Chad.  

EEAS Spokesperson: Together with our US colleagues, we have been working on how to address the impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine across the Black Sea region

Peter Stano, lead spokesperson for the foreign affairs and security policy of the European Union, said that the EU and US share common interests in the Black Sea region. According to him, they cooperate to support partners in the region to bolster their resilience to increasing hybrid and cyber challenges as well. „Together with our US colleagues, we have been working on how to address the impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine across the Black Sea region - both in the short and the long run. We have focused on supporting Ukraine, but also helping the region address the wider fallout of Russia’s war. We have done this in many fora, including the EU-US Security and Defence Dialogue, the UN, the G7, etc. The EU and US share common interests in the region to: (1) increase coordination with partners; (2) deepen economic ties; (3) strengthen energy security; (4) support efforts to bolster democratic resilience, including fighting false narratives and Russian state-controlled propaganda, in accordance with our shared values; (5) support partners in the region to bolster their resilience to increasing hybrid and cyber challenges. We cooperate to help accelerating Ukrainian grain exports, notably after Russia’s unilateral withdrawal from the UN-Türkiye-brokered Black Sea Grain Initiative. The Leaders have been unequivocal in their Joint statement following the US-EU Summit on 20th October 2023 in Washington D.C. We continue to pursue the Solidarity Lanes objectives to increase efficiency and reduce transport costs. The US collaboration with the European partners in Constanta, Romania’s largest port city on the Black Sea coast, is a good example of that. The EU has deployed a Multipurpose Maritime Operation in the Black Sea, involving the EU Agencies with Coast Guard functions (Frontex, the European Maritime Safety Agency, European Fisheries Control Agency), riparian EU Member States, and also other EU Member States. Georgian officials were invited to observe various activities in this context. Furthermore, the EU has supported capacity building, including for Georgia, through the Black and Caspian Sea I project and its current successor Black and Caspian Seas II, implemented by the European Maritime Safety Agency. Looking ahead, the EU is working on the 4th implementation report of the EU Black Sea Synergy. This stock-tacking exercise will also help us identify key trends and findings, which could factor into future EU thinking on the Black Sea cooperation. At its core there are issues of connectivity, energy, digital transformation, blue economy, environment, fisheries and maritime security, resilience and the protection of critical infrastructure,“Stano told Europetime. The US sees Georgia as a critical security partner for the Black Sea, James O’Brien says  

US Embassy: The U.S. government has and will continue to expose Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic elections around the world

EXCLUSIVE The United States has become aware of a trend in Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic processes globally, according to the US Embassy in Georgia. Europetime was told in the embassy that the U.S. government has and will continue to expose Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic elections around the world. The United States on Friday released a U.S. intelligence assessment sent to more than 100 countries that found Moscow is using spies, social media and Russian state-run media to erode public faith in the integrity of democratic elections worldwide. The assessment was sent in a State Department cable dated Wednesday to more than 100 U.S. embassies in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa for distribution to their host governments. Europetime was curious as to whether there has been communication over the aforementioned matter with the Georgian side via the embassy. “The United States has become aware of a trend in Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic processes globally. It is well-documented that Russia seeks to influence the outcomes of democratic elections globally in favor of specific candidates and political parties. In response, the U.S. State Department has briefed more than 100 democracies on these Russian efforts and steps we can take in response. We also are speaking openly about these findings. The U.S. government has and will continue to expose Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic elections around the world. We are seeking to increase public awareness of and resilience to these Russian activities. It is critical that we work together, as democracies, to counter these Russian efforts. In our cable to the governments invited to the Summit for Democracy, we notified each country, privately, on whether we assess Russia had sought to degrade public confidence in elections held in their country. We are keeping these briefings confidential, even as we act transparently by sharing our general findings with the public,“ the U.S. Embassy said.  

State Department: Russia is seeking to undermine democracies from within, the IC found that this Russian activity is global in scope

Russia is seeking to undermine democracies from within. The IC found that this Russian activity is global in scope, a State Department spokesperson told Europetime. „We have long known that Russia is seeking to subvert democratic processes around the world, and we are raising awareness that, as part of these efforts, Russia is pursuing operations to degrade public confidence in the integrity of elections themselves. To better understand this threat, the U.S. Intelligence Community undertook a review of Russian operations to undermine public confidence in democratic elections that took place between January 2020 and December 2022. The IC found that this Russian activity is global in scope. Russia is seeking to undermine democracies from within. In response, the U.S. State Department has briefed more than 100 democracies on these Russian efforts and steps we can take in response. We also are speaking openly about these findings. The U.S. government has and will continue to expose Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic elections around the world. We also will continue to work with other democracies to further these efforts. We are seeking to increase public awareness of and resilience to these Russian activities. „We will continue to work with our fellow democracies to advance these actions, including through new policy initiatives – like this multi-part exposure campaign,“ - a State Department spokesperson told Europetime. The United States on Friday released a U.S. intelligence assessment sent to more than 100 countries that found Moscow is using spies, social media and Russian state-run media to erode public faith in the integrity of democratic elections worldwide. The assessment was sent in a State Department cable dated Wednesday to more than 100 U.S. embassies in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa for distribution to their host governments. US Embassy: The U.S. government has and will continue to expose Russia’s efforts to undermine democratic elections around the world