„Georgia's role in the region in the direction of security and stability is being affirmed“,David Bakradze, Georgia’s Ambassador to the United States said while answering questions posed by reporters at the Tbilisi International Airport.
When asked whether the conversation at the meeting referred to the issue which was discussed by former US military Chief of Staff,General Ben Hodges with „EuropeTime“, Bakradze answered that Georgia had an action plan and the plan entails Georgia’s self-defence ability.
„We signed a memorandum with the United States in 2016 on defense and security issues. In 2017, we signed a program to strengthen Georgia's defense, within the framework of which we have an action plan, which we are constantly updating and within which Georgia is approved. Georgia's role in the region in terms of security and stability is confirmed, Georgia's compatibility with the Alliance is also confirmed. These are the directions we will discuss“. David Bakradze clarified.
General Hodges,had mentioned in an interview with our publication, that it would be good if the US increased infrastructure and rotational forces in Georgia.