Ambassador Hubert Knirsch: The election is one step on the way to Georgia`s democratic development

„The election is one step on the way to Georgia`s democratic development“, - German Ambassador to Georgia Hubert Knirsch said in an exclusive interview with ‘Europetime’.

„They (International Observers) observed organized voting days in line with legal requirements. on the other hand, they noticed an unequal playing field in the pre-election period. It was very difficult for smaller and new parties to compete with larger and existing parties and they have given some numerous sumps of this. So, In the future, this is an issue that remains to be addressed“, - Ambassador said.

According to him, the observers undertook this a very difficult task and carried out this election in such an orderly and correctly.

The election is one step on the way to Georgia`s democratic development and it is an election that takes plays under improved law as a result of the 19 April agreement, but it also shows that more things remain to be addressed and this remains the task of everybody concerned for parliament, government and especially for the political parties in their competition, in their interaction with each other not only during the elections, but also in the pre-election period which extra starts today“, - Ambassador Hubert Knirsch said.