Former US Army Chief of Allied Land Command Lieutenant General Ben Hodges points to the need for Georgia to hold a public national debate on the country's strategic security. According to Hodges, this approach should include building societal resilience to resist the Kremlin influence and disinformation, as well as corrupting influence. "The Government of Georgia should acknowledge that Russia is interested only in domination of the South Caucasus," said Hodges.
Given all the facts that have happened through Russia's direct or indirect intervention - conflicts, cybercrime, interference in elections or its role in hybrid wars - is it time for the West to develop a more unified policy and approach? Is the security of the Black Sea and Georgia the most important lever for this, and could this particular lever be granting MAP to Georgia and Ukraine, „Europetime“ spoke to Ben Hodges on these and other issues.
_Mr. General, to sum up the year coming to an end, what do you think, the year full of challenges and crises has changed and what need has it shown us in terms of NATO and EU policies? That is, have these crises increased the need for a consolidated and coordinated policy, the prospects for the expansion of alliances (NATO, the EU) or, vice versa, they have created the trend for a more balanced and cautious policy?
Georgia Should of course be in NATO already. But Georgia must decide for itself that it really wants this... And it must also have a public national debate about its own strategic security... it must be a whole of government approach.. And include building societal resilience to resis Kremlin influence and desinformation and corrupting influence. At the same time, the USA demons trate sustained strategic interest in Georgia, in the South Caucasus and the greater black sea region... To demonstrate to the Kremlin that this is ipmortant for us and that we will protect our friends as well as our interests.
_You mentioned in an interview with our publication that Russia recognizes only force and, in general, the policy inspired by the motto "Do not irritate Russia" has repeatedly convinced us that it is wrong. In your opinion, given all the facts that have occurred through Russia's direct or indirect interference - conflicts, cybercrime, interference in the elections or its role in hybrid wars, is it time for the West to develop a more unified policy and approach? Is the security of the Black Sea and Georgia the most important lever for this, and could this particular lever be - granting Map to Georgia and Ukraine?
Government of Georgia needs to acknowledge that Russia in interested only in domination of the South Caucasus for its own interest. What good has come to Georgia for its attempts to cooperate with Moscow these last 30 years. Are the young people of Georgia better off because of anything that Moscow has offered to do to help Georgia? All I can see is that 20% of Georgia is occupied by Russian troops and that now Russian troops are also in N-K/Azerbaijan as well as in bases in Armenia. And it seems to me that the Government of Georgia is too willing still to yield Kremlin pressure. Allowing Russian `Piece keepers` to fly thru Georgian airspace into Armenia is hard for me to understand. And the recent embrace of the so-called `Caspian Platform`, By the Government of Georgia is another puzzling step that undermines Georgian soverignty and gives the Kremlin even more influence in the Region, Along with Iran. Why is this good for Georgia? But is also Highlights the failure of USA to demonstrate sustained, strategic interest. So we are on the sidelines now.
_The Government of Georgia states that the cooperation between Georgia and the United States has never been at such a high level as it is now. If this is the case, do you think the request of the Georgian government to the United States will be enough to increase the rotational forces in Georgia and strengthen the strategic infrastructure even in the format of partnership and training?
Our embassy in Tbilisi has worked very hardand they continue a long line of distinguished American diplomats who have served there. But the us Georgia resist more fully the Kremlin`s influence. I do hope that we can improve in this area and that the Government of Georgia will also improve. I would particularly like to see us Government and Government of Georgia doing more to improve opportunities for private investment... And that will require a change of attitude in the Government of Georgia and in the Parliament.
_The development and expansion of ports in Georgia is of strategic importance. The ongoing processes in the region have clearly shown us the significance of the Anaklia project and foreign investments, which is a guarantee of both security and development. In your opinion, will the good will of the Georgian authorities be enough to bring the project back on the agenda?
No, Not at all. I have Heard several statements from Govt of Georgia that Anaklia is a priority...But nothing has actually been done. So, I am not impressed at all that the Government of Georgia Really wants this port. But to me it would be such an obviously valuable asset for Georgia and would enable Georgia to finally become the portal between EURASIA and EUROPE, to firmly integrate Georgia into Europe and Become a logisticts hub to which Europe and the USA would invest significiant resourses... But that`s exactly why the Kremlin and Kremlin Sympathizers oppose it. Without Anaklia and similar international connecting projects, Georgia Will most likely, Unfortunately, Be seen as just a part of the South Caucasu (under the influence of Russia, Turkey, and Iran) VS being considered a European country with large, Regional impact. Only the Kremlin really benefits from that...For sure the young people of Georgia will not.