US Assistant Secretary of State on foreign agents draft law: Obviously, this is a law based on Russia's interest, not Georgia's interest

„Obviously, this is a law based on Russia's interest, not Georgia's interest. And we think it's in Georgia's interest to work more closely towards Euro-Atlantic integration. This law doesn't do that. We don't think it's the right thing for Georgia“, said US Assistant Secretary of State Todd Robinson.

According to him, the adoption of the said bill is not right for Georgia.

„Obviously, this is a law based on Russia's interest, not Georgia's interest. And we think it's in Georgia's interest to work more closely towards Euro-Atlantic integration. This law doesn't do that. We don't think it's the right thing for Georgia. More importantly, Georgians don't think it's the right thing for Georgia. And we will keep working with our partners in the government of Georgia to make sure that we're working towards what is their priority, which is Euro Atlantic integration“ - said Todd Robinson.