Bulgarian Ambassador: After an agreement on the resumption of ferry traffic is signed, more concrete and cooperative action is needed

Bulgaria is interested in expanding the infrastructure link between Europe and Asia, particularly in the direction of implementing projects of shared interest in the fields of energy, transportation, and communication, according to Veselin Valkanov, the ambassador of Bulgaria to Georgia, in response to a question from Europetime.

In light of this, the ambassador reacts to the agreement to resume ferry service between Georgia and Bulgaria by stating that more substantial action ought to occur after the agreement is signed.

Bulgaria is very keen on developing the infrastructure connectivity between Europe and Asia, especially in the implementation of projects of common interest in the fields of energy, transport, and communications. This very much coincides with our desire to raise our friendly relations and cooperation with Georgia, our neighbour across the Black Sea. The growing importance of this part of the world for our development and prosperity also demands action from us to make the best of the opportunities that are coming about with the Trans-Caspian International Route and the Middle Corridor. 

It is in the light of the above that I see the signing of the agreement on the restoration of ferry traffic on the Black Sea.

Just a side note: there has been a ferry connection between Bulgaria and Georgia for more than 45 years. Maritime transport, when used efficiently, has numerous advantages.

Trade flows are there waiting to be handled, and goods and cargo are to be delivered in a reliable, more environmentally friendly, and less costly way. The ferry traffic falls into this category, but for it to live up to expectations and be profitable, we need sufficient freight in both directions: west-west-east and east-west. Therefore, the signing of the said agreement needs to be followed by more concrete and cooperative action. All accumulated and available experience and know-how, e.g., from TRACECA, needs to be used efficiently.

Coordination, logistics, and digitalisation of services, their simplification, modernisation, and speeding up will all contribute to better results and open a wider way forthe trade flows coming from China and Central Asia to reach the EU. All countries along the route stand to gain from this and should make the necessary efforts to turn opportunities into real gains for their populations. The Bulgarian side is ready and willing to take this cooperation with Georgia and the other partners forward,Vesselin Valkanov said.

Some Background

An agreement on the resumption of ferry traffic was signed between the Georgian Railway, the Bulgarian Railway and the Bulgarian shipping company. The parties have agreed on all conditions of mutual cooperation in order to restore the proper functioning of the railway ferry. Ferry/railway services have been suspended for the past two years.