MEP Markéta Gregorová: The funding has been conditional on fulfilling the political pre-conditions

EU tranche was a topic of the Europetime comment with MEP Markéta Gregorová (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance). She said that the funding has been conditional on fulfilling the political pre-conditions, including the respect of democratic principles, human rights, and the rule of law.

„In the Memorandum of Understanding, which the Georgian government signed to receive the MFA funding, there are no consequences for not receiving the funding, so there is nothing, in particular, that will happen.

Of course, the funding has been conditional on fulfilling the political pre-conditions, including the respect of democratic principles, human rights, and the rule of law, so I do hope this won't change Georgia's direction in this regard. But their decision is understandable, as they reached the legal limit of 60 % GDP of foreign debt during the pandemic and I understand they need to start changing it“, - said Markéta Gregorová.

EU calls on the Georgian authorities to uphold their reform commitments, the EU’s assistance to Georgia remains conditional on progress on key reforms.